Punch Buggy

 Punch Buggy / Slug Bug / Punch Dub This post is for a popular car spotting game where players are looking for just one type of car, specifically Volkswagen Type 1, the Volkswagen Beetle, also know as the VW Beetle or Bug. The game is known as Punch Buggy, Slug Bug or Punch Dub. Although Punch Dub is a newer version of the game for all VW models (we'll get to this later).  Punch Buggy is a variant on the Yellow Car or Spotto game (well maybe Spotto is a variant of Punch Buggy, no one can be sure which came first). Players are typically rear seat passengers in a travelling vehicle. Players call out Punch Buggy and the colour of the car, i.e. Punch Buggy Blue, then "punch" the nearest passenger.  We will stop here quickly. It is important to note that in no way does True Review support violence, aggression or assault. Also True Review take no responsibility for any accident or injury that may occur. This "punch" should be considered a love tap, a light bump on the



It has taken the world by storm, impacted almost everybody on the planet, actually I think everyone in some form or another. Even the scientists down in Antarctica who would not normally be exposed to this epidemic. They may not have any infections but they have been impacted and now have to stay there for several months longer than expected.

The few people that may have escaped this are probably only these handful of people living remotely in Northern Alaska or Russia where they are completely dependent on the land and don't see anyone for months at a time.

Here in Australia (as is similar for the rest of the world), there are border closures between states, businesses have shut down or were required to be closed for extended periods, lockdowns, quarantines and by far the worst outcome, deaths.

I wasn't going to write about Covid-19 but as you may have heard, this is now apart of normal life, at least for the next few years, so I thought I could look at some of the stats.

The follow graphs show deaths, tests undertaken and confirmed cases. Per capita Australia, New Zealand and funnily China among others seem relatively unscathed. I guess China detected it and stomped it out quick (or they already knew about it). What about the rest of the world, China gave a pretty good heads up back in January/February 2020 but America has still got sky rocketing confirmed cases, with an increasing death toll, six months after it took off around the world. Check out the below graphs or head over to ourworldindata.org for a bunch more that can be played with.

Hope you have found this info interesting. You can create many different pictures with the multitudes of data that has been gathered in this pandemic.

As it is seeming to be a new norm, social distancing is what we all need to get used to. But sadly there are some people that just simply don't care about others and continue with their own more important life, pushing everyone out of their way, and breaking any social distance you have tried to maintain.

Stay calm and stay safe. If they are trying to catch it, they will sooner or later, with that kind of behavior.

As bad as someone pushing you out of the way is, what others do or say to you when you are just sick with a run of the mill bug, common cold, hay fever or some other allergy, can feel worse and can also impact your mental health. I have created some merchandise to help you let others know about your situation. You can find it here. More designs coming soon.

If you are feeling unwell, make sure you get tested. I know it is painful, I know it means you and your family need to isolate until you get the result, but it really is important to get the test. It will put your mind at ease and also those around you. Then get a shirt here to show everyone. Clearly it can get out of control and overwhelm heath care systems very quickly, just ask Victoria.

Again, stay calm, stay safe, get tested and isolate.
You know
It's The Truth
